Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Salt and Light

Salt can change a completely ordinary meal into one that tastes great. It can take a mediocre french fry and make it something you enjoy. Light can eliminate darkness depending on the brightness of the bulb. Light has the ABILITY to eliminate darkness. Darkness doesnt have the ability to put out light...Salt and Light are both used in the bible to describe what kind of effect we as "christians" are supposed to have. Both of these things can cause tremendous change to the situation ascribed it. Do I make a significant difference in my relationships with believer and non believers alike? If we werent given a spirit of timidity and were given a spirit of Love Power and Self Discipline where is the evidence of these things? I often wonder how much merit we truly give scripture. Whether literal or metaphorical do we believe the message being presented enough to allow it to transform us by the renewing of our minds?(romans 12:2) I think when scripture becomes more than just another way to try to defend our "religion" and becomes an active belief and constant conviction we will begin to see the fruit of that and can start to become the things scripture proclaims. Truth sets people free and the truth has begun to set my heart on fire. What about God sets you on fire...Seek that passion in him and see your heart come alive...1 Thessalonians 5:19 do not put out the spirits fire!

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