Friday, January 27, 2012


I've been reading in Numbers lately and am consistently astonished at the ungratefulness of the Israelites. God saved these people from slavery in Egypt, provided for them as they travel with manna, and still the Israelites never seem to be grateful even when God reminds them through Moses what he has done for them.

As I sat and pondered how quickly they became ungrateful something happened in me. I recognized I am just like this. I was once a slave to sin but now am alive to God in Christ(Romans 6). In Christ I am offered full freedom, but I often neglect that freedom to chase what I want. This is usually an expectation I've held from the past.

The Israelites in Numbers 11 complained and longed to go back to Egypt so that they could have the food they used to eat for free. In their ungratefulness and desire for the past they failed to realized that although they could return to Egypt for this food they would also become slaves again to the Egyptians who had treated them roughly and put heavy burdens on them. Similar to this when I long for the past I am failing to realize that going back to this desire costs me something. It costs me the ability to glory in the freedom of now. We often want what we used to have without recognizing that we become slaves to that very thing.

As a believer redeemed by Christ Jesus there is nothing in my past that is worth going back for. Even the things that were good were supposed to point me to freedom in Christ, the gracious provision of God and his loving kindness. This was never meant to be my ultimate joy.

I often look back to even when God first awakened me to his goodness and freedom and long for some of those same experiences. What I don't realize is that when I desire what was more than I desire what is I become a slave to the past and the expectations that come along with it. I have to let go of what I had to appreciate what I have. I have to let go of what I want to accept what he has to offer. I can and should be grateful for the past but only to the point that I realize God was using it to shape me for now.

I pray today that instead of looking for some experience or created thing to satisfy me that I will put my hope in Christ from whom all blessings flow. I don't want to exchange the truth for a lie anymore God. Help me believe that I am provided for in all I need by you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Speaking the truth in Love

I fear over the last year I have read so many blogs it has begun to paralyze me. Once a confident blogger I now second guess and over think everything I put down. Part of this is because over the past year I have seen blog after blog attacking what others say. This is dangerous especially without the ability to know the heart behind these critiques.

In no way will this blog be exhaustive on how to handle these situations, and in no way do I claim to be an expert. Often I fear I am the worst when it comes to my critiques and disagreements with others.

In the 13th chapter of  John vs.35 Jesus says," By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another".

There are definitely times where correction and rebuke are necessary,(the scriptures are full of this) but I want to make sure that my critiques of others are necessary. I want the motive to be love. Often the motive is for others to become more like "us" or "me" rather than more like Jesus(although an unchecked heart can quickly be convinced we are pointing others to Jesus) It is never fair to assume motives and assign feelings onto someone else. That is why it is very important to approach these situations in a healthy manner. 

When I am offended or happen to disagree with what others say I must ask myself " why? "

What is underneath this reaction? Why do I feel so strongly about this? Am i motivated by love for Jesus? Am I considering others before self? 

If the motive underneath is that we might fuel and encourage one another in the gospel then great! If the spirit leads us to call a brother out then by all means do so IN LOVE SO THAT THE GOSPEL CAN BE SEEN IN YOUR CORRECTION.  If our motive is to simply be right, we will be wrong.