I fear over the last year I have read so many blogs it has begun to paralyze me. Once a confident blogger I now second guess and over think everything I put down. Part of this is because over the past year I have seen blog after blog attacking what others say. This is dangerous especially without the ability to know the heart behind these critiques.
In no way will this blog be exhaustive on how to handle these situations, and in no way do I claim to be an expert. Often I fear I am the worst when it comes to my critiques and disagreements with others.
In the 13th chapter of John vs.35 Jesus says," By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another".
There are definitely times where correction and rebuke are necessary,(the scriptures are full of this) but I want to make sure that my critiques of others are necessary. I want the motive to be love. Often the motive is for others to become more like "us" or "me" rather than more like Jesus(although an unchecked heart can quickly be convinced we are pointing others to Jesus) It is never fair to assume motives and assign feelings onto someone else. That is why it is very important to approach these situations in a healthy manner.
When I am offended or happen to disagree with what others say I must ask myself " why? "
What is underneath this reaction? Why do I feel so strongly about this? Am i motivated by love for Jesus? Am I considering others before self?
If the motive underneath is that we might fuel and encourage one another in the gospel then great! If the spirit leads us to call a brother out then by all means do so IN LOVE SO THAT THE GOSPEL CAN BE SEEN IN YOUR CORRECTION. If our motive is to simply be right, we will be wrong.
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