Thursday, October 8, 2009


What drives us? Well many things thats for sure. I cant really give any real clear answer to that other than we are driven by the things we perceive to give us more life. Whether it be power through good morals(which we can take and hover over people to attain our worth) or whether it be the undending use of grace as a motive to live we all have a purpose to seek "good". That "good" takes on many different forms due to the shaping of our minds. Its such a relative term that its really hard to put a finger on what exactly "good" is. the thing is that consistently the puruit of "good" does not give life. It steals life. Self righteousness steals the freedom to be honest and transparent and have any meaningful relationship with the creator or with other humans. The pursuit of pleasure also leads to death because we constantly have to have more and more of what our heart craves and what we have to own ends up owning us. The only good that satisfies isnt really "good" at all...It is God and yes of course God is good but the truth is God is so much more than Good. He is life, love, power, might, triumph,purity. He is all that is "good" yet more . All this to say, the pursuit of God and the pursuit of righteousness that comes only from faith rooted in him is the only that satisfies yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In light of eternity there is nothing on this earth that supplies any satisfaction beyond today other than the joy of life given by the creator. Pursue Life in its true form...Pursue love....PURSUE GOD.

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